251989 Create Memorial
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Dear Son,

  I remember coming to the hospital to pick you up. You didn't have any clothes,so the nurse gave me a blanket. It was March 26,1993. You had just turned a year old. I walked down the hospital halls crying. You were so beautiful and I couldn't understand why someone would hurt you. You stole my heart that day. The day the judge gave you, Donny,David and Carol-Ann, to Pop and I was one of the Happiest days of my life. Why did God take you from me. You survived the abuse and then 16 yrs later a reckless driver took your life. I miss and love you so much. I can't wait to see you again.



i remember getting pull over by the cops, in the truck with u in the bed, and you were holding 3 beer in your hand. jhonny sitting in the passanger seat. Me and him waiting for jump out. we were going to yell at u and be like rocky we told u couldn't come and jhonny was going to take off in the middle of the corn field with u, leaving me there. telling the cop's idk who they where. I'm so gald you didnt jump up
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